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World Communion Sunday 2021

world communion sunday oct 2021

Park Lake celebrated World Communion Sunday on October 3, 2021 which celebrates our oneness in Christ with all our brothers and sisters around the world. Members of Park Lake baked breads from the U.S., the Middle East, the Caribbean and Europe. Baskets and bowls from around the world held the various breads on the communion table. It was a delicious meal and the Sanctuary was filled with the aroma of bread. Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread. 1 Corinthians 10:17. Communion is a taste of the Kingdom of God. When we share in this common meal as a beloved family of God, this grace is an unbroken line throughout this history of the community of faith. It reminds us now and of a time to come of the heavenly banquet. Whenever we take this meal, we are sharing with fellow believers around the world in unity and equality.

World Communion Sunday is a reminder to call on Christ’s presence always and embrace the wholeness that we are as Christ-followers. World Communion reminds us that Christ’s church is a global church. Every Lord’s Day in every time zone, there are devoted Christians worshiping Father, Son and Spirit. Whether under the shade of a tree, in a rice paddy, by a creek bed, in a grand cathedral, or in storefronts, Christ-followers all over the planet are praying and singing in indigenous ways using their languages. What a glorious picture of worship in the kingdom when we grasp the fullness of the body of Christ and sing and pray with brothers and sisters around the world.