Worship In-person & Livestream - 10:30am
Sunday School - In-person & Zoom - 9:00am
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Canned Food Donations & Blessing Bags

Park Lake Mission Committee
October 27, 2024
Sanctuary, West transept
Before and after worship

The Food Bank at Washington Shores Presbyterian Church continues to be in great need of items. 

Updated request:
cereals, jelly and vegetables other than corn WITH POP TOPS please, and please check Expiration Dates!

Cash donations are also appreciated to purchase needed items.

Please bring your pantry donations to church on Sundays before or after worship to the West transept of the Sanctuary.

Blessing Bags containing water, food and hygiene items for the homeless will also be available for pick-up to hand out to those you come across in need.

Thank you for helping your neighbor!